About The Kite Coder

Hello everybody!

I find it fascinating that you’re on my page – welcome 🙂 Here are a few words about me:

I’m a software developer. I’ve been doing this professionally for 10+ years. However the journey started when I was… 7-8 years old? I had an ATARI computer. I was an avid gamer at that time. However I found a book, that was about BASIC. I didn’t know what was that. All I know, that on the pages of this book was described a SNAKE game. And I wanted to play this game. Bad. My dad told me to write the code that was there and run it. I typed the code listing, tried to run it and… it did not work! Something was happening on the screen, but it definitely was not the game I wanted. I didn’t know how to fix it so, I just concluded that the book was stupid.

This was my first contact with programming. A few years after that, having a mighty PC I came back to programming. Pascal, Delphi, C++, programming with MFC, HTML, doing some 3D graphics… I always liked variety, but most of my professional work was done in C++. This language really teaches you how to program – the hard way. The good thing about it is that you learn the actual craftsmanship of software engineering. When you do this the language you use is irrelevant. I’ve dabbled in many projects in different technologies and I could get up to speed with anything fast. The rules everywhere are the same.

From some time I was searching for ways to share my experience. I enjoy the process of decomposing a topic in a way that can be clearly explained to anyone. This is the way I learn the most. Because in the process you ask yourself questions you would otherwise skip. To me writing or teaching about something is the best way to master any topic.

Enough with programming! From when I remember I was always involved in some sport activity: martial arts, football, gym, tango. Nowadays I am a bit obsessed on mobility training and posture correction. But there is a high chance I will start boxing classes, as a good gym opened nearby.

That’s just a few lines… Oh, why The Kite Coder? I like kitesurfing. Also my name translates 1:1 to “kite” 😀

Have a great day!